Por el bebé elefante-pájaro¡
Esta mañana en la parada del bús tardón, una señora me ha preguntado si llevaba mucho tiempo esperando y si tardaría mucho en llegar "llevo tres minutos y suele tardar unos 15...." La señora se fue, y al poco vino el autobús....
Esta entrada va por la paciencia que se tiene cuando algo merece la pena, y me la dedico a mi misma, que valgo mucho la pena¡¡ ;))

Tell me if is this forever.
Is your love strong enough?
We should be together
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong.

Are you gonna stay forever?
Or are you gonna go away?
We should be together
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong.

Tell me if is this forever.
Is your love strong enough?
We should be together
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong,
if things were to go wrong ...


1 comentario:

Elisa dijo...

ES una buena canción para dedicar, a pesar de lo que dice siempre me pone de muy buen humor, ¿respuesta a la pregunta? hummmmm